Amy Van Andel Library


Kent District Library and Ada Township

Project Location

Ada, MI

Construction Type

Self Performing Trades

Amy Van Andel Library

Self-Performing Trades

The Amy Van Andel Library concept stemmed from the “Envision Ada” project, which aimed to redevelop the Village’s downtown area. This master plan identified a lack of civic space and the need for a central community hub. The new library was specifically designed to address this community need.

The library posed challenges due to its ornate exterior, making plywood and wood blocking installation difficult. Despite tight site constraints, we ensured access. Interior design elements like a waterfall-edge staircase and custom millwork required coordination among multiple suppliers, subcontractors, and vendors.

Our experienced teams excelled in general contacting, facilitating collaboration for structural and design integrity. Electronic security and door frames were integrated, with careful planning for electrical and low-voltage contractors. We led meetings with security contractors to ensure a fully functional, secure building.